What is a Yogic Diet?

A yogi diet is an amalgamation of food which is full of nutrition and provides sufficient energy to the organism to sustain life and promote growth. Energy is an essential part of our lives. To accomplish any sort of a task, be it physical or mental, a human body requires energy. Hence food is one of the vital resources for energy in the body.

These energy levels are achieved with a balanced diet. It consists of varieties of food that fulfils the requirement of calories, proteins, minerals, vitamins and alternative nutrients. Lack of nutrition in the body can cause mental fatigue, diseases, infection, poor performances, laziness and dullness.

In Ayurveda it says that ‘you must eat what you need.’ It is important to understand the food we consume for a healthy life. A balanced diet is the one which provides all the nutrients it requires in proper proportion. Factors like age, gender, physical activity and physiological status may affect the consumption of nutrition quota.

According to Ayurveda, Food can be classified under 3 categories :

  1. Sattvic – this is a combination of food which is light, fresh, pure and falls under the category of healthy. It is easily digestible food which fulfils the requirement of nutrition, minerals, vitamins and proteins for the human body. In the yogic lifestyle, Sattvic food is considered the ideal food to consume as its properties are calming and full of nutrition. Eg. Boiled Vegetable, fresh fruit, whole wheat flour, non-refined rice, lentils, sprouts, coconuts, and many more.
  2. Rajasic – this set of food is heating in nature, Food which is hot and spicy. This type of food is highly stimulating to the brain which results in aggression. It can create irritation, restlessness and overeating. This food property increases the amount of acids in the body which leads to dehydration eventually. This type of food can be consumed in moderation. Eg. Spicy food, tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol, fermented foods, pickles, energy drink, sauces and many more.
  3. Tamasic – this type of foods are heavy, dul and toxic in nature. The food in this category is highly processed and its nutrition value is next to nil. In modern times. People prefer packet food and fast food. There are the example of stimulating a life fill of dulness and toxins in the body due to stale and dull food. Eg. Flavoured drinks, ice cream, chocolates, cakes, jam, jelly, non-vegetarian food, etc.

To embody a yogic diet one has to find the balance between all three categories for food according to Ayurveda. It is strongly recommended to follow a Sattvic diet but at the end of the day, balance of all is what gives a human body the satisfaction for energy and growth.

Food & Accommodation