Pranayama Teacher Training in Rishikesh, India

Practicing Mindfulness is the best way to attain mental peace and stability. In this modern world our lives are full of stressful situations where people are looking for ways to integrate mind, body, and soul so that it can help them to maintain balance. Thus, Pranayama classes in Rishikesh offered by Swa Yogpeeth are all about that achieving balance and control over the mind and the senses. The word Pranayama evolves from a Sanskrit word divided in two, ‘Prana’ and ‘Yama’ which represents control over life energy. In this practice of mindfulness activity, one can control the vital force of life through breathing. This ancient yogic science helps in building mental focus, purification, and longevity.

The practice of Pranayama in Rishikesh sounds fascinating to yoga lovers. This is not only because Rishikesh has atmosphere  but there is a core vibration surrounding the city of yoga which helps in restoring balance to the one who has been unbalanced. This city provides aid through practices like Pranayama to render mental stability. Pranayama classes in Rishikesh involve breathing patterns and exercises in which a person inhales, exhales, and also holds their breath which is known as Kumbhak. Breathing is an art which has these 3 steps to follow. Under the guidance of our professionally experienced yoga instructors, you will practice Yoga Asana and Meditation or Dhyana in synchronisation with Pranayama. This helps in scaling up the benefits of Pranayama to a therapeutic yoga experience. With the practice of Pranayama, we focus on building the lost connection between your mind and body. Moreover, this breathing exercise is very useful in removing toxins from the body and providing a sufficient amount of oxygen to the body.

The various breathing techniques included in Pranayama are 

  • Ujjayi or Victorious Breath
  • Nadi shodhana or Alternate Nostril
  • Bastrika or Bellows Breath
  • Bhramari or Honeybee Humming Breath
  • Kapalbhati
  • Sheetali and Sheetkari Pranayama

And many more. So, what are you waiting for? Join the best Pranayama class in the sacred and tranquil land of Rishikesh for an unforgettable experience.