Yin Yoga Courses in Rishikesh, India


Yin yoga is a modified yoga practice in which a person holds into one posture for a longer periods than usual in a comfortable position. Sitting for a longer duration during meditation helps in stretching the connecting tissues of the knee, spine, sacrum, and pelvis joints. It is more of a passive practice of yoga that includes various seated variations and poses for 3 to 5 minutes. Yin Yoga in India is a modern style of yoga that helps in achieving a complete stretch. Swa Yogpeeth under the guidance of their experienced Yin yoga teacher and founder, Yogi Saurabh Ji offers the best Yin Yoga classes in Rishikesh.

The basic concept of Yin yoga was derived from the age-old practice of Classical Indian Hatha Yoga. Like in Hatha Yoga where a person has to hold the pose for 5 to 10 minutes, Yin yoga also allows the holding of a position for at least 3 minutes. Traditionally Saints, Rishis, and Munis of ancient India used to practice the factual form of Hatha Yoga where they stay in poses for a longer time. However, the introduction of yoga to the modern world reduces the time to 1 to 3 minutes so that everyone can easily practice yoga.

We as the best Yoga school in Rishikesh render the authentic Yin yoga classes to the students. During our Yin yoga classes in Rishikesh, we focus on the engagement of muscles to hold your posture. Thus it results in increased strength and flexibility. For a longer holding time, we also use props like bricks, belts, cushions, etc. Moreover, it helps in increasing circulation, range of motions in ligaments and joints, and balancing the mind and body.

Benefits of Yin yoga Classes

  • Helps in Calming the mind and body
  • Reducing stress, depression, and anxiety
  • Enhances strength and flexibility
  • Improves blood circulation in the body
  • Releases fascia
  • Renovate movements of joints
  • Improves the flow of Prana in the body
  • Balances the internal organs